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Hardware design consideration:
A). Sourcing –easy to find distributors, short FOB times(order time), seek similar function with different brand.
B). cost – (low unit price, compare the different brand with similar function)
C). function – (general requirement , specify requirement, additional function provided by IC)
D). operation condition
--Voltage range (high, low voltage)
-- Current range (high, low current)
-- Battery capacity requirement, operational battery life
-- Component power rate
-- Overall power consumption
-- Clock frequency
-- Temperature range
-- Tolerance at different condition
E). Interface (schematic design)
-- IO port assignment, Analog or digital interface
-- Serial or parallel interface (e.g. I2C, SPI, UART, USB)
-- control bus, data bus, access bus, clock input pin
-- Component interconnection
F). PCB layout
-- Component physical size
-- IC package, footprint
-- Connector pin assignment, dimension
-- PCB board dimension requirement (thickness)
-- Analog Ground, Digital Ground, trace width, track clearance
--Multilayer (signal layer, ground layer, power layer, via hole)
-- Different Voltage clearance requirement
-- Current Vs trace width ( IPC standard)
-- High frequency (RF) circuit impedance match (track impedance model)
-- Multi board—(for manufacture) around 120mm x200mm for small, 400mmx400mm for large
-- PCB dimension should match and external casing dimension.